Great Lakes Brewing Co: Edmund Fitzgerald

Great Lakes Brewing Company's Edmund Fitzgerald porter provides a beer drinking experience deeper than Lake Superior. The list of flavors you'll find in the depths of this dark brine is matched only by the ledger of awards it has amassed. Caramel, smoke, coffee, and chocolate all make featured appearances, but more subtle are traces of oak, licorice, and ripe juicy fruits. With such a complex flavor profile, Edmund Fitzgerald is surprisingly refreshing and easy to drink, not at all out of place as the warmer spring months approach. Sink it deep by the bottle in the finer staterooms of Philly.
About Beer Geek Steve:
Steve spends as much time as his wife will let him tracking down rare beers and trying to analyze the intersection between quality beer, hype, and viral marketing. When he's not reviewing beer for Drink Philly, he writes about his adventures in chasing bottles and taps at his blog, Beer Geek Steve. You can also follow him on Twitter, where he tweets about happenings in the craft beer industry and often locates some of the best barrels in southeast PA.