Bell's Two Hearted Ale

Brewed leagues away in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Bell's Two Hearted Ale is nevertheless becoming a standard on taps across the Philly region. The India Pale Ale style originated during the British occupation of India, when generous helpings of hops were added to ales as preservatives for the long sea voyage from English breweries half a world away. Today's craft brewers have elevated this practice to an art form, leveraging the full spectrum of hop flavors, ranging from grass and pine to florals and citrus.
Two Hearted Ale prominently displays these hop flavor profiles in all their glory. Imagine waking up in a tangerine grove on the first day of spring blossoms and you'll have an idea of the aroma in this beer. A tad less bitter than some of your IPAs, if you're not a hop lover, this is the one that might make a believer out of you. Like a glass of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice, Two Hearted is refreshing and delicious, and I would argue it's good for you, too.
Some other notes about IPAs: even though hops act as a great preservative, their flavor tends to fade over time. IPAs will taste best as fresh as possible - no need to age these beauties. Skunked beer occurs when hops are exposed to light, so protect your IPAs from the sun.