Stone Lukcy Basartd

No, I'm not drunk as I type this review; that's actually how the beer is spelled. A few of these big boys, though, and you’ll likely be spelling it this way on your own. The Lukcy Basartd is a mix of Arrogant Bastard, oaked Arrogant Bastard, and Double Bastard. With that kind of lineage, how could it be anything but good? And good it is!
The beer pours a nice deep amber. The smell is amazing! It’s actually the first beer I’ve been really excited to try in a bit, based on smell alone (well, and maybe reputation. I mean it’s from Stone, I knew it would be good). Lots of citrusy hops coming through along with nice biscuity malts. The taste of pine and citrus hops come through in the taste, as well as caramel maltiness and some nice vanilla from the oak. Tasty, tasty beer! It’s a powerful brew at 8.5% ABV, but so well balanced that you’ll have a hard time believing it. You’ll do well to remember, though, lest you find yourself unable to spell the name of what it is you’re drinking.
According to Stone this is a once-only special release to commemorate the 13th anniversary “of when Arrogant Bastard Ale was first released upon the unsuspecting public. That is, ‘once only’ unless we decide to make it again.”
Don’t take any chances. Find this one and find it now. You’ll be the lukciest basartd you know!
About Philly Beer Girl:
Philly Beer Girl is a craft beer enthusiast who aims to educate women (and men) about the wonderful world of craft beer. In addition to reviewing beers and bars on Drink Philly, she writes beer-related musings on her blog, Philly Beer Girl. You can also follow Helene on Twitter, where she tweets way too often - and at odd times - about what she's drinking.