Booze in Review, 10/1-10/7

This week had its ups and downs, but – on the bright side – it’s gorgeous out! If you’re inside this weekend, you’re probably doing it wrong. If you do find yourself with some indoor computer time on your hands, or need some smartphone distraction while waiting for a beer, check out what we covered in Philly booze news this week.
p.s. we sent out a preview link to this week – were you on the list? Sign up now to check it out, and tell your Charm City friends!
Keith Wallace: Corked & Forked – not your ordinary cookbook, this light-hearted tome from the director of the Wine School of Philadelphia is a fun read, with fun food and drink pairing suggestions
Great American Beer Festival: Winners – we run down the winning brews at GABF, with a listing of all the locals that medaled in the world’s largest beer competition
Philadelphia Brewing Co. & WXPN Broadcast a New Beer – Broadcaster Brown Ale celebrates the 20th anniversary of the nationally syndicated music show World Cafe
Beer Review: De Struise Brouwers Pannepot – Mike checks out this popular Belgian and deems it just about perfect
National Vodka Day: From Russian Standard to Vodka Light (Voli) – October 4 was National Vodka Day, so we checked out a range of offerings including local faves and out there newcomers
Virtual Happy Hour from Tub Gin – a live-streamed concert from Tub and Red Tettemer+ Partners for a new kind of drinking party: online
8 Pumpkin Ales for the Season – Chase looks at 8 seasonal offerings from Arcadia, Fegley’s, Riverhorse, Weyerbacher and more
Weekend Picks – are you out there at one of these events? Let us know.
Ken Burns’ Prohibition Delves into the Noble Experiment – this four-part PBS documentary takes on a subject close to our heart, and you can watch it online
Farewell to Jobs: The Steve Jobs Drink – the world lost a visionary this week, and we brought back our commemorative cocktail in his honor
Games, Casks & More Game at Watkins Drinkery – Chris enjoys the second-floor diversions and firkin offerings at this South Philly pub, and is pleasantly surprised by the menu
First Friday October 7 with Farmers’ Cabinet – did your catch our monthly art show with food and beer from this Walnut Street hotspot?
Dogfish Head Getting Geeky with Google & Cool with Pearl Jam – two new brews from the Delaware craft brewhouse