Do We Have PBR to Thank for Dirty Dancing?
Perhaps you’ve seen this video, going ‘round the internets lately. If not, take a peek; it’s a true 70s classic. Not-yet-hearthrob Patrick Swayze spends a night on the town, with Pabst Blue Ribbon “on his mind.” His sparkly-gold clad date and he live the good life by spinning away on the disco floor and enjoying freshly poured mugs of PBR.
Now, take a good look at the moves the dancing couple perform. Turn the sound off, even, so you can concentrate on the steps, shrugs, twists and dips Swayze leads his partner through. Look familiar? Almost every single thrust, arm fling and head toss is part of the cardinal routine in Dirty Dancing, which came out in 1987, a good eight years after this commercial aired.
So, if you swooned over the class-barrier-busting romance between Baby and Johnny, send the folks at Pabst your regards.