Thanks for the Extra Hour at the Bar, Daylight Savings Time!

The human-introduced artifice called Daylight Savings Time was first implemented in the United States in 1918, a gambit designed to save energy by reducing nighttime use of incandescent lighting. Over the last century, the government has variously changed, abolished, re-instituted and modified the details of DST, but the main idea has remained the same.
We turn our clocks an hour forward in the springtime, extending sunlight hours farther into the evening (and giving us an extra hour before the morning alarm on that day!). Each autumn, we turn our clocks back again, relinquishing that daylight and allowing darkness to creep up before most of us have even made it out of work.
There is a silver lining, to the reduction in afternoon sun-filled hours. The change always goes into effect at 2 AM on a Sunday morning – otherwise known as prime Saturday night. In many states, bars are required to close at that very time, but on this magic eve – which this year falls on November 6 – when the clock strikes 2 AM, it is suddenly 1 AM, again. Presto, time travel. So head out this weekend and make good use of your extra hour of rounds!
Doc Brown & Marty McFly Back to the Future image via AngryWeb