Social Media Drink Deals in Philadelphia

The likelihood is, when you head out for a night on the town, you’ve got your smartphone along for the ride. A growing number of Philly bars are offering (some pretty amazing) specials if you tap in to Facebook or Foursquare while enjoying your drinks. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best (and verified each one). Take advantage of your connectedness and reap the rewards!
1518 Bar & Grill: Check-in on Foursquare for a buy-one-beer, get-one-beer-free deal.
Alfa Restaurant & Bar: Receive a free Stolichnaya cocktail on your seventh Foursquare check-in (may also be redeemed later).
BAR: Free drink of your choice with every 5th check-in on Foursquare.
Drinker’s: “Like” their Taco of the Month club on Facebook to receive info on taco deals.
The Institute: Receive a $1 beer with every 5th check-in on Foursquare (must be used that day. Good for all beers up to $6).
McGillin’s Olde Ale House: $5 pitcher of Bud Light or PBR upon your first Foursquare check-in. Also, check-in for access to a Monday late night happy hour from 11 PM–1 AM with $4 Jagermeister shots and $3 Southern Comfort Lime shots.
National Mechanics: Use the iPhone remote app to pick tunes from their Mac Mini Jukebox; download and play DJ.
Oyster House: Check in on Foursquare or Facebook for a free oyster.
Paddy Whacks: Download the “Paddy App” for access to exclusive discounts, free cover, 10% off your entire check as well as other rewards. Check in for the first time at any location and receive free “Paddy Chips”.
P.Y.T.: Check in on Foursquare and show your bartender to receive a free Kenzinger or Miller High Life.
Tavern on Broad: Win a free happy hour party every third time you check in on Foursquare. Tavern on Broad will pick up your tab and your guests will receive half-price drinks.
Photo: Danya Henninger; Hand model: Collin Flatt
Tags: Wi-Fi