Coast to Coast Toast to 30 Years of Vanberg & DeWulf Belgian Imports

On Tuesday, November 15, the country of Belgium will celebrate King’s Day, and the U.S. will celebrate the 30th anniversary of Vanberg & DeWulf. This Cooperstown, NY beer importer is widely credited with introducing Americans to the wonderful world of Belgian beer, a style that permeates our current craft brew culture.
Husband and wife Don Feinberg & Wendy Littlefield began importing in 1982, when the U.S. beer craft beer scene was in its infancy. Along the way they founded Brewery Ommegang, and brought a myriad of different Belgian and other artisan brews to establishments around the nation.
In honor of this wonderful progress, bars throughout the country are participating in a “Coast-to-Coast Toast” to the Belgian experts. Untappd has created a special badge and contest for the event: check with one of the 30 official Vanberg & DeWulf beers and you’ll receive a special entry code. Take that code to Untappd’s online form and you’ll be entered to win a three-night vacation in Belgium.
There’s also a list of bars hosting events, by state (PDF), and in Philly you'll find events at Monk's Cafe, Eulogy Belgian Tavern, The Belgian Cafe and Tria Wash West (more info about the Tria event here). Come out and join in the toast!
Event Date: 11/15
Event Time: 6pm
Location: Various Bars
Price: PAYG cash only