Science on Tap at National Mechanics, Nov 14

Get ready to drink some beers with a dinosaur – or at least a dino expert. Jason C. Poole is the manager of the Fossil Prep Lab at the Academy of the Natural Sciences and also worked on the movie Jurassic Park.
Tonight, he'll be at National Mechanics in Old City for Science on Tap, talking about his latest find: a 66-million year old, 400-bone reptilian fossil. The skeleton was excavated over the course of three field visits to Argentina and is now being prepared for study and display at the Academy, in partnership with Drexel University’s Dr. Ken Lacovara.
Over a few hearty brews, you'll find out what a dig is really like, how the bones are transported and what happens to them after they get here. This is your chance to stock up on info that will make you the star of the next kiddie birthday party you attend (and satisfy that inner craving to know everything and everything about the enormous beings that walked this Earth before us).
The talk runs from 6–7 PM. Check out the Facebook page for the event here, and head to the Science on Tap website to stay get the early word on other upcoming events.
Thanks goes to Geekadelphia for the heads up
Photo via Flickr user Yoshikazu Takada
Event Date: 11/14
Event Time: 6pm
Location: National Mechanics Bar
Price: PAYG