Drink Philly Introduces Free Event Listings and More
Since launching in 2009, Drink Philly has been constantly working to make the website an ever more useful resource for intelligent drinkers in Philadelphia. Today, Drink Philly is happy to announce several new features that both users and bars will be able to take advantage of. These include events linked to each bar listing; ability for a user or bar owner to easily add an event or other info to the site; ability to see all bars near any location (not just those with drink specials); and a dedicated “roundups” page that can be filtered according to feature.
Events Linked to Bar Listings
When users view listings of bars on either the mobile site (compatible with iPhone, Android and almost all smartphones) or regular website, any upcoming events at that venue will be itemized directly beneath the bar contact information. A visitor can click on the linked event and jump to a page with all of the details about that day’s occurrence, be it a beer tasting, pairing dinner, wine class or other liquor-related happening.
Easily Add Events or Bars for Free
Bar owners, interested drinkers or any dedicated user can now easily add an event, news item or new bar listing to DrinkPhilly.com for free. Visitors click on the link (on the mobile site at top left, titled “+Add Info” and on the desktop site at top right, titled “+ Bar, Special, Event, News”), which takes them to an easy form to fill out with information details. After a short moderation period, the new listing will appear on the live site.
See All Bars Near Your Location
The Drink Philly mobile site has always been able to find a user’s location and display nearby bars with drink specials going on. However, sometimes a user may wish to see other venues, not just those offering discounted deals. Now there are two buttons for a user to choose from on the mobile site top menu, one marked “Happy Hours” and one marked “All Bars.”
Dedicated Roundups Page with Filters
Drink Philly has created convenient roundups of venues or information that may be useful to Philadelphia drinkers. Compilation articles ranging from bars with Wi-Fi to those with outdoor seating to social media deals can now be easily accessed on a dedicated page. Moreover, users can filter the roundups by categories like “Beer,” “Wine” or “Food” to see only articles meeting that classification, and can also suggest a topic for a new roundup.
About Drink Philly
Drink Philly is a local online magazine and bar guide focused on providing information and education to the sophisticated drinker. Through a combination of drink special listings, an event guide, a venue directory and up-to-date informative articles, Drink Philly provides opportunities for educated drinking. Recently deemed the No. 1 Happy Hour Directory in Philadelphia by Living Social, Drink Philly and its founder, Adam Schmidt, have been featured on WMMR’s Preston & Steve, ABC 6 Action News and CBS KYW Newsradio. In February 2011, Drink Philly received the Wharton Entrepreneurship Conference People’s Choice Award for best new startup company – a major step up from its modest origins as an Excel spreadsheet shared amongst a few friends – and in August 2011, Drink Philly was awarded the title of Best New Blog by the Philly Geek Awards. Drink Philly recently launched The Drink Nation, a national site about drinking culture. Currently, the other local arms of TDN are Drink Baltimore and Drink DC. For more information, visit DrinkPhilly.com, follow @DrinkPhilly on Twitter or find Drink Philly on Facebook.