Win Free Tickets to Mission Impossible 4 & Six Minute Preview of The Dark Knight Rises

This Thursday marks the premier of highly-anticipated Mission Impossible 4 at theaters around the nation, including the IMAX theater at The Franklin Institute. Even more exciting, selected December 15 showings will feature an exclusive prologue screening of the first six minutes of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. The Franklin's IMAX will be the only theater in Philadelphia, let alone Pennsylvania, showing this sneak preview!
We're giving away a pair of tickets for free to the screening. All you have to do is hit the "Tweet" button below or "Like" the article at the bottom to enter to win. Do both to increase your chances!
This contest is now over. Congratulations to our winner, Kerri Homsher.
Enjoy the show Kerri!
BONUS: Drink Philly has arranged a special deal for anyone going to the movie. Bring your ticket stub up the street to McCrossen's Tavern and get a complimentary drink with any food order.
Can't wait? Buy your tickets now because this will sell out!