Vote for Sly Fox in the CraftCans Year-End Poll

The aluminum-loving craft fanatics over at are holding year-end polls to determine the best canned brews in several categories. In the prestigious “Best Lager/Pilsner of 2011” category we find local fave Sly Fox Pikeland Pils . Head over and give ‘em your vote; it’s as easy as 1-2-click! (Note that you do have to hit “skip” on the registration page that shows up after your vote in order for it to count.) There are some great selections in 14 other categories, too, so browse the whole contest, if you have a moment.
Before you go, vote in our poll, below. We’re big can enthusiasts here, loving the freshness achieved by airtight, light-blocking metal casing as well as the fun screened-on artwork instead of paper labels. If you had to choose, would you prefer your favorite crafts in a can or a bottle?
Can or Bottle?