Sam Adams Turns to the Wisdom of the Masses for A Crowd-Sourced Beer

Want a say in the making of a nationally marketed beer? Here’s your chance.
Boston Beer Co. was one of the first breweries to bring alternative beer to the masses, and their line of Samuel Adams beers keeps expanding. Seasonal small-batch labels have been added to their roster, some part of which can be found in all 50 states. Now, they’re teaming up with social media enthusiast and former chief Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki to tap into the collective consciousness of drinkers for the recipe of their next brew.
Facebook users can register their votes by visiting the Sam Adams Crowd Craft Project page. (You’ll have to install the app, but do note that you can “skip” the part where it asks permission to automatically post to your wall.) Once installed, follow the steps to choose what you think would be optimum settings for color, clarity, body, malt, hops and yeast.
Once all the votes are tallied, Boston Beer brewmasters will take the winning characteristics and use them to develop the recipe for the collaborative ale, which will be brewed throughout the month of February. The beer will be unveiled at Kawasaki’s Girl + Guy party in Austin, TX on March 10, during the SXSW festival. Expect the community-directed brew to show up on tap around Austin and at the Sam Adams brewpub in Boston, MA. It may also eventually be released in new markets. Voting ends on February 5, so if you want your opinion counted, head over to FB now.