PLCB Shows +4% Sales Growth

It was recently reported that the Pennsylvania state-owned Wine & Spirits shops increased in profits by $60 million from 2010-2011, which puts them at a record 4% increase in year over year growth. The report was given by those kind, thoughtful souls over at the PLCB.
Retail sales generated more than $496 million in sales tax, liquor tax, and profit transfers.
This influx of state funding has been a common argument made by the PLCB for why they should stay in place. According to their arguments, privatizing state liquor stores would result in a catastrophic loss of $496 million per year in taxes (which is actually not true - even private stores have to pay taxes). Let's also not forget that this isn't factoring in the $335,000,000 average in operating costs (paid from the State, by the way) that goes into fueling this machine.
It's a little surprising to see profits increase as they have, when so much "border bleed" (out-of-state liquor purchasing) is occurring. I suppose it goes to show that people are willing to pay a little extra for convenience - even if that convenience involves an employee being unable to tell you a damn thing about their products.
We now leave you with this hilariously bad video from the PLCB about why they should stay in business and why all private liquor stores are evil and sell to minors. Come on guys, with all those millions, this is the best you could make?
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