So Long, and Thanks for All the Beer...

Four years ago, PhiladeIphia felt like a scary move. I was just out of college with my ladyfriend, and we relocated recklessly and without reasonable prospects. At first, I knew only that Philadelphia appeared to be a big city with a small town vibe, and that suited me well enough.
I knew nothing of the blossoming restaurant scene, which was trying to shake the foundation of what a restaurant could be in America.
I didn’t know a lot about the 3rd Wave coffee movement that was striving to prove that the second-highest traded commodity in the world was more than just a vehicle for caffeine.
Wine bars that educated without talking down to their customers was a concept entirely new to me.
The cocktail bars strived to reclaim history that was long-since underappreciated, and the passion put forth by the bartenders was incredible.
Last but not least, I was in awe of the beer bars that consistently earn this city the title of one of the Best Beer Cities in the world.
Working here has put me in touch with a lot of great minds with great ideas, and taught me that this really is an incredible city. So, as I take my leave, I bring with me the message that Philadelphia is on the rise. It's Philly that has taught me the beauty of true craft beer.
Have I "sold out" with my move to NYC? Chances are, while all my friends are busy bubbling over how awesome it is to live where they live, I'll likely bubble right back about how much I miss Philly. I now hand the keys off to Danya Henninger, an accomplished liquor enthusiast, proud member of the Zagat editing team and an all-around Philly-loving lady.
It’s been a pleasure drinking with you all, sharing stories and learning. Hopefully I will return soon and again sample all that this city has to offer. Huge thanks to the Drink Philly crew, who have lovingly created a great 2nd home (or college dorm room, depending on who you ask) for me here in the city of brotherly love. Expect me back for First Fridays when I drink you out of house and home.
Justin Giza
Editor for Drink Philly
Justin was the Editor for Drink Philly for most of 2010-2011. He is an avid craft liquor/beer enthusiast, as well as a self-proclaimed "food-adventurer." When he's not with the Drink Philly team, he's off video-gaming or moonlighting as a nerdly hip-hop artist., @zillapersona
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