Brewer's Cow Beer-Infused Ice Cream Available Online

When you’re craving a beer, but also something rich, refreshing and sweet, there’s now a new option: a six-pack of Brewer’s Cow. This Connecticut-based company has the solution to this common conundrum (at least, it’s common for us...), with a line of beer-infused premium ice creams.
Three flavors are currently available for order online: Black & Tan (made with Guinness); Bavarian Beer Brittle (Samuel Adams); and Ten Penny Beer Nut Parfait (Ten Penny Ale). A new option of Chocolate Truffle Stout (with Thomas Hooker Stout) is promised soon. Each is crafted with New England dairy and high-end ingredients, for a thick, creamy, malty flavor.
Though no alcohol remains in the final product, these treats are perfect for making beer floats. One the site you can buy an ice cream float gift set, which provides the mugs, soda spoons, straws, ice cream scoop and everything you’ll need to craft some sipping fun — everything except the beer, of course, which you’ll have to provide on your own.
A sixer of the sweets will run you $67 (plus shipping), so this is no everyday snack, but a slew of reviews say it’s worth the price. Mothers’ or Fathers’ day gift, perhaps?