How Much Booze Is One Share of Facebook Worth?

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard about Facebook's IPO today. The effort is expected raise about $16 billion, making it the third largest public offering in U.S. history (Visa and GM were a few billion higher). That’s a lot of #$@ing money!
Though most of the equity was snapped up pre-open-market by brokerages and large firms, a small percentage is available to the general public starting at 11 AM Eastern Time. How much do you want a share of Facebook? In order to put the price into perspective, we’ve created a handy chart of what you could get if you were to spend the money for a single, lonely share on booze, instead.
Of course, you never know what direction the stock will head after the initial offering. Will it skyrocket, never pausing to look back, like Google (GOOG)? Or will it crash and burn, disappointing investors and causing worry of a tech meltdown, like Groupon (GRPN)? Here's a look at the relative value of those companies' shares.
Either way, for at least a little while, Facebook will be valued at more than $80 billion, possibly even $100 billion. Now that's a lot of drinks.