Want To Be A Varga Bar Calendar Girl?

Each year, Spruce Street’s Varga Bar produces a “pin-up” calendar full of beautiful photographs of alluring women, but these vixens aren’t professional models. Instead, they’re real Philadelphians, of all shapes, ages and sizes, and the search for next year’s featured ladies is on. If you want to star in the 2013 Varga Bar Calendar, now is your chance.
To get your name in the running, simply send three current photos and three reasons you want to be a “Varga Girl” to vargagirl2013@gmail.com by July 31. If you’re selected, photographer Jim Cottingham and crew will dress you up and snap away.
To find out more, or to check out the current calendar ($15 each), head to Wash West for one of the bar’s well-curated draft beers or a Miss July cocktail (house strawberry lemonade spiked with vodka; $8.50). For inspiration in your modeling career, just look up and smile back at the pin-up lady painted on the ceiling.