President Obama Brings White House Beer on Campaign Trail

Politics aside, President Barack Obama has one thing in common with many of our readers — he’s a huge fan of craft beer. So much so, in fact, that he apparently travels with bottles of the presidential homebrew, dubbed White House Honey Ale. On a campaign stop in Iowa yesterday, a lucky cafe patron was the recipient of a gifted bottle of the special beer, according to several pool reports.
The ale first made a showing in 2011, and has since showed up in two versions, White House Honey Blonde Ale and White House Honey Porter. The beer is brewed by White House chefs on premises, using what they’ve said are “traditional methods,” and features honey from Michelle Obama’s beehives.
As the President crisscrosses the nation to connect with voters in the runup to the election, expect to see several more bottles of the beer handed out. With their own custom label, they are quite the talking piece. Candidate Mitt Romney, of course, doesn’t have that prop — as a Mormon, he does not drink alcohol at all.