Mega-Bad Movie Night at Academy of Natural Sciences, October 25

It’s time for another Mega-Bad Movie Night at The Academy of Natural Sciences, the event series where experts screen “awesomely awful” movies and poke fun at the films in Mystery Science Theater 3000 fashion. Drink Philly is hosting the pre-party with great beer by Sly Fox Brewing and snacks.
This time, ticket holders got a chance to decide the featured flick. Out of the three choices of Bigfoot, 2012: Ice Age and 2010: Moby Dick, Bigfoot came out on top. The fun starts at 6:30 PM on Thursday, October 25 with beer and snacks, and a chance to check out the fantastic exhibits around the museum, including the "cryptozoology-like" specimens now on display. A bunch of new activities are planned, such as a DIY "create your own mega-bad movie title" contest and a chance to act like a tracker with blacklights and a thermal imager. Sly Fox will bring the beer, and Colorado's Great Divide brewery will offer a fun giveaway.
The show begins at 8 PM with another new feature: there will be a woman commentator joining the crew of scientists on stage. Teri Scott is the marketing manager for the Academy, and also (we think) former Russian spy and definitely "Snarkiest Employee of the Year," so you know she'll be good. With her you'll get to listen to the British quips of Academy seashell scientist Paul Callomon and the stylings of Dino Hall manager and beer-drinking animal artist Jason Poole. Tickets are $15, include the beer, snacks and movie, and are available online here.
In the comments below, tell us what fictional creature (Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, etc.) should end up battling for its life in Philadelphia? Like Bigfoot standing on Mt Rushmore or King Kong climbing the empire state building…
Event Date: 10/25
Event Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Academy of Natural Sciences
Price: $15