What Does Your Beer Say About Your Politics?
Credit: Tracey Robinson, NMRPP
While we are firm in the belief that sharing a beer with friends should be a time to put political differences aside, it turns out different brands of brew are favored by those on different sides of the aisle. Reporters at the National Journal analyzed data from over 200,000 interviews with American adults by Scarborough Research, and created this handy chart.
Also correlated with how likely the adults were to actually come out and vote, the four quadrant infographic maps the placement of well-known beer brands. Sam Adams is a big brew of choice among Republican voters, as are Coors Light, Miller Light and Amstel Light.
Democrats seem less worried about calories, going instead with Guinnness, Michelob, Stella Artois and Heineken. Bud Light falls right in the middle, as does Miller High Life (though MGD is big with the Ds) and that old fave, Natty Light. Our vote goes to none of the above, however, as we prefer local microbrews. What about you?