Eulogy and Bierstube Celebrate La Fin du Monde, December 21

If the Mayans are right and the world ends on Friday, Eulogy is an appropriately named place to spend your last moments. Even better, both Eulogy and Michael Naessens’ other Old City bar — German-themed Bierstube — will be hosting special “End of the World” parties featuring kegs of Unibroue’s La Fin du Monde.
The apocalypse-inspired beer from the Canadian brewery is a punch-packing Golden Tripel, with an ABV of 9%. Kegs will be tapped at both locations at noon, and the beer will flow until 11 AM the next day (if we’re still around, that is).
to go with the brew, Eulogy and Bierstube will both be serving specially baked chocolate chunk bread pudding. There will also be plenty of giveaways like t-shirts and other La Fin du Monde themed merchandise, so plan to arrive early — no telling what time of day the prophecy might come true.
Event Date: 12/21
Event Time: All day
Location: Eulogy and Bierstube
Price: PAYG