Best of Drink Philly: 2012 Highlights

It was a great year at Drink Philly. We expanded across the country, flew across the Delaware (or into it, anyway), hosted events, organized parties and wrote about beer, liquor and wine around the world. Here is a recap of the top 10 moments from 2012. Cheers to all for an even better 2013. and Launches— After humble beginnigs in Philadelphia and early expansion to DC and Baltimore, The Drink Nation made it west of the Mississippi this year. Stay tuned for more cities in 2013.
Red Bull Flugtag & THE HINDENFIRKIN: A Story of Might and Will (and Fun) — It was an epic journey. During the building, we tested our ability to translate physics into reality while drinking beers at the same time. During the actual flight, we tested our ability to overcome fear of the Delaware River. All in all, it was a blast, and we’d do it again and again.
Phestiv-Ale — For the first time, Drink Philly took the lead in organizing a huge beerfest, and it was a great success. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation asked for our help in hosting the event, and you all responded with enthusiasm and plenty of beer love.
Dunkel Dare at Frankford Hall With Marc Summers — Philly Beer Week was more awesome than ever this year, and this pseudo-gameshow-all-around-fun-time at Stephen Starr’s Fishtown beer garden was a big highlight. Check out the recap video to see Marc Summers get snappy with the crowd.
Was Victory Beer the Inspiration for the Logo of NBC's The Voice? — Though the television show denied any connection, we couldn’t help agree with Victory Brewing Co. when marketing folks there noticed this rather uncanny similarity. What do you think?
10 Best Beer Website "No, I'm Not 21" Underage Redirects — If companies are going to follow the not-very-specific rules about restricting access to an alcohol website, they might as well get creative. And they do, to very amusing effect.
BBQ At The Ballpark: Craft Beer Tailgate & Game — We held a contest to give away tickets to this fun summer event, and guess what? All the hype led to Drink Philly trending on Twitter. That was fun, let’s do it again next year, shall we?
Repeal Day: A Brief History of Prohibition and Its Demise — Thanks to the fantastic exhibit now on display at the National Constitution Center, we have a bunch of great images to go along with a look back at this national disaster.
Shaken or Stirred? A Short History to Celebrate National Martini Day — Is James Bond’s martini a real martini? What does a “dry martini” mean? Find out everything you ever wondered about this ulatra-classic cocktail.
Drink Philly Hosts Quirk Books DesignPhiladelphia Alternative Book Covers Show — Thanks to our friends at Quirk Books, we hosted our first-ever DesignPhiladelphia event. These were not your everyday book covers, and were a great way to get involved with this annual citywide happening.
Top photo via Flickr user Fordan