Changes to First Friday in 2013

My fellow drinkers,
2012 has been an exciting year for us at Drink Philly / The Drink Nation. We've seen to expansion to Denver, CO and Portland, OR; planned our first beer fest, and flown over the mighty Delaware in THE HINDENFIRKIN at Redbull Flugtag. With all this rapid growth, we've been incredibly busy. For this reason we've decided to start doing our First Friday art showings and tastings on a quarterly basis.
We've decided to do this so that we can spend more time on our First Friday event to make it even bigger and better and the best quality event we possibly can.
Our First Friday schedule will be as follows for 2013:
February 1
April 5
September 6
November 1
Thank you everyone for another wonderful year. You are the reason we get to do what we love every day.
Cheers, and Happy New Year!
Adam Schmidt
President & Founder
The Drink Nation
How are we doing? Tell us what you like or don't like and how we can improve. We would love to hear your thoughts!