Ring in the New Year at Cavanaugh's Headhouse this New Year's Eve

Start your New Year off right at Cavanaugh’s Headhouse with great friends, memories of 2014, and, of course, an open bar. Enjoy a four hour call level open bar from 9 PM–1 AM including spirits such as Jack Daniels, Absolut Vodka and Captain Morgan. Come hungry and indulge in a New Years Buffet. And say goodbye to 2014 with a champagne toast at midnight.
Tickets for the evening will be $75 and can be purchased at Cavanaugh's. Get them now, because if you wait, prices will go up to $80 the week before New Years Eve and if purchased at the door.
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2014-12-31 9 PM
2014-12-31 1 AM
Ring in the New Year at Cavanaughs Headhouse this New Years Eve
Website: http://www.cavsheadhouse.com
Cavanaugh's Headhouse
Event Date: 12/31
Event Time: 9 PM-1 AM
Location: Cavanaugh's Headhouse
Price: $75, $80 the week of and at the door
Type: Beer,Cocktails,Food,Music,Parties,Spirits
Website: www.cavsheadhouse.com
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Food, Music, Parties, Spirits