Weekend Picks, 9/8-9/11

Straub Night
What: Beer tasting featuring Straub Brewery
Where: Grey Lodge Pub, Frankford & Hawthorne (Northeast Philly)
When: Thursday, September 8, 6–9 PM
Price: Pay as you go
Straub’s brewery rep Paul McGee will be in the house, recounting the stories of America‘s third oldest brewery. The first 48 people to order a Straub’s Special Dark will receive a free pint glass.
Friday, September 9th
Session Beerfest
What: Beer tasting featuring low-ABV beers
Where: Farmer’s Cabinet, 11th & Walnut (Center City)
When: Friday & Saturday, September 9–10, 3–11 PM
Price: Pay as you go
Experts at Farmer’s Cabinet intend to dispel the myth that good beer only comes with a high ABV (alcohol by volume) percentage by tapping 26 craft session beers over the course of Friday and Saturday.
Saturday, September 10th
Beerfest at the Ballpark
What: Beer festival with over 25 breweries
Where: McFadden’s Ballpark, 11th at Pattison (South Philly)
When: Saturday, September 10, 3–7 PM
Price: $40 General Admission
McFadden’s fourth annual Beerfest at the Ballpark takes place this Saturday afternoon. This year’s festival will host more than 25 different breweries. Price of admission gets you access to more than fifty different beers, ballpark food, music, raffles and more.
For ticket purchases and a full list of breweries, click here.
Third Annual Pils Picnic
What: Pilsner-style beer tap takeover with picnic foods
Where: Johnny Brenda’s, 12th & Frankford (Northern Liberties)
When: Saturday, September 10, noon–11:30 PM
Price: Pay as you go
A dozen different types of pilsners will be featured, including local favorites and a firkin of Stoudt’s Pils. Pair the brews with picnic foods including hot dogs, cold fried chicken, deviled eggs and potato salad.
Sunday, September 11th
This Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Join us in taking time to send positive thoughts and support to the family, friends, and communities affected by those tragic events, hold in remembrance the lives lost that day and in service to our country since, and look towards a brighter future.
If you wish to participate in a public memorial, here are some gatherings happening in the Philadelphia region.
The Betsy Ross House
239 Arch St.
Ceremonies start at 9:58 AM with a program led by Mayor Michael Nutter and Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers, including a demonstration by the Police and Fire Fife-and-Drum Corps and a flag folding ceremony.
The Kimmel Center
Broad & Spruce
Remembrance concert featuring The Jubilate Deo Chorale and Orchesetra, Eastern University Ensembles and the Church of the Saviour. The show begins at 2:30 PM, tickets start at $75.
9/11 Heroes Run
The Philadelphia 9/11 Heroes Run starts at 9 AM at Memorial Hall in West Fairmount Park, 4231 Ave. of the Republic. Every year participants pay tribute to the men and women that died on 9/11 – as well as those who fell in service to their country afterwards – by partaking in a memorial run on September 11. Partial proceeds go to benefit the Travis Manion Foundation. Full information including pricing and registration is available here.
The Philadelphia Veterans Multi-Service & Education Center
213-217 North 4th St.
The center is holding a memorial service and concert to benefit our nations veterans. There will be live music, food, drinks and raffle prizes. Proceeds go to the center which supports thousands of veterans every year.