Happy Hour Crawl: Northern Liberties |
C. North Bowl (909 N. 2nd St.; 215-238-2695, HH 5–7 PM)
If you timed it right, you will be rolling down the street and into North Bowl at 5 PM. Featured in last month’s booze and bowl roundup, we’re throwing a little ten-pin action right into the middle of your happy hour. Crazy, right? This might be an especially fun idea, or good way to pace yourself, if you plan on taking advantage of the Tuesday - Friday option at Ortliebs and the late night option at North Third we explain later. Feel free to take at least an hour here. Your next stop is a blink away.
$4.95 Bowling games
$4 Jameson shots
$2 Narragansett
Behind the Bar: Solomon Thomas - Ambassador, Bartender, & Industry Community Advocate
Best Oktoberfests, Festivals, Block Parties & Halloween Events to Celebrate Fall in Philly