Recap: Philly Beer Week Dunkel Dare 2013 at Frankford Hall (PHOTOS)

One of the highlights of Philly Beer Week 2013 was Dunkel Dare with Marc Summers, and the brew-soaked event at Frankford Hall was even more fun than last year. The real-life one-time Double Dare host acted as emcee for an evening of beer knowledge and wacky obstacle courses.
In honor of the ‘80s TV show, Summers gave away audience prizes like a Sony Walkman, his and her VCRs and an Encyclopedia Britannica set. He also noted that last year, many folks had commented how old he looked — well, of course, since Double Dare was on 30 years ago. Check what he had to say to the “old” critics in the following clip:
On the first evening, the game show mockup featured two rounds. In the first, a team from Stoudt's went up against a team from Yards, and Stoudt’s ended up winning. The other round was Victory versus Great Lakes, last year's champion, and the Cleveland brewery advanced for a chance to defend the title. Each team was give a celebrity member, either Preston and Steve’s Marisa Magnatta or Fox 29’s Mike Jerrick. And you have to give it up for Magnatta. Why? After she gave Jerrick a pie in the face, he was given the opportunity to return the favor. Watch how that went down in the short clip below:
On day two, Stoudt’s battled Great Lakes for the finale. It seems that experience is a huge help in Dunkel Dare, because Great Lakes owned this round, besting Stoudt’s by a huge, huge point margin. The Great Lakes team had Marisa Magnatta on their side, and Kacie McDonnell of Fox 29 was the Stoudt’s celebrity team member for the final round.
During the competition, Marc Summers brought out his former Double Dare cohort John Harvey, who promptly suggested a drinking game: drink beer whenever Summers curses. That went over well:
Check out many more photos from the event by clicking “NEXT” and going through the slideshow. See you next year at Philly Beer Week 2014!

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