Nerd No More: Frankford Hall's Monthly Meeting of the Minds Comes to an End

It's going to be a bittersweet meeting of goobers, dweebs and geeks for this month’s Nerd Nite at Frankford Hall. This Wednesday, December 4, marks both the third anniversary of the meet-up, and its last.
Sadly, the event’s co-founder and co-host Michelle Bland is moving on to take an assistant professor gig at the University of Virginia, and leaving Philly’s nerd contingency and Fishtown’s beer hall in her rearview. After Wednesday’s Nite, the evening will go on long-term hiatus. Hopefully it will be revived somewhere down the road.
For the final installment, Bland has lined up Chemical engineering expert Russel Waters who will deliver “Quantified Self: How to Be a Better Nerd”; while former NASA Mechanical Systems Flight Control Officer Josh Moskowitz will present the assembly of nerds with “Anatomy of a Space Shuttle Launch.” Bland herself will talk “K-T and the Iridium Band,” a discussion about the events that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, and paved the way for the start of humanity. Los Festingos will provide music.
[UPDATE]: Though Michelle Bland is leaving Philadelphia, Nerd Nite will live on. The next one is scheduled for Wed., Feb 12. Stay tuned for more details.
Photo: Courtesy of
Event Date: 12/04
Event Time: 7:30 PM
Price: PAYG
Type: Beer,Cocktails,Music,Parties,Spirits,Wine
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Music, Parties, Spirits, Wine