Morgan's Pier to Reopen May 1

The waterfront retreat, Morgan’s Pier, is set to reopen this Thursday, May 1, for its third season. After a brutal winter, who wouldn’t be looking forward to some quality time down by the river? This year, David Gilberg is running the kitchen, but don’t expect huge changes. Gilberg will stay focused on a seasonal, homegrown menu.
The summer show lineup is starting to fill up as well. Greg D. of Risky Disko is playing on opening day, followed by Broadzilla DJs on Friday and Dave P & Sammy Slice on Saturday. Most every Friday and Saturday throughout the summer have shows booked, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be dancing during the week too. Shows are constantly being booked, so keep an eye here for the latest.
Event Date: 05/01
Event Time: 4 PM
Location: Morgan's Pier
Price: Free
Type: Beer,Food,Music
Tags: Beer, Food, Music