Drink Philly's 2nd Annual Cocktails & Clue Party Recap [PHOTOS, VIDEO]
Clues were discovered, mysteries were solved, and cocktails were served on October 19 at Drink Philly's Cocktails & Clue Party at the historic Stotesbury Mansion.
Video still from Timothy Becker
We'd like to take a minute to thank the beautiful venue for being the perfect backdrop, all of our volunteers, Teeling Irish Whiskey, Dan Lan Hamm and the entire team from Spirit Forward for mixing up delicious cocktails, Drew Nugent & The Midnight Society (Philly's original hot jazz band) for providing the perfect soundtrack for the evening, and Feastivities Events and their staff for the amazing catering. And, of course, thanks to our amazing crowd for making this event so unique and for showing up in your best Clue-inspired outfits — we were blown away by your creativity and style.
Video by Timothy Becker
In case you didn't solve the mystery, here's the solution: it was Mr. Green in the billiard room with the knife. We'd also like to extend a huge thanks to our crew of actors & comedians who helped our guests solve the mystery and kept them entertained along the way, so thank you to Quinton Alexander, Julia Celley, Reanne Maskart, Taylor Plunkett-Clements, Bill Reick, and Libby Reindell.
Aaron Raysor took incredible shots of the crowd and guests, so be sure to check on Facebook for the entire album here!
Photos by Aaron Raysor Photography
Tags: Drink Philly Signature Events, Photos & Videos