Brew & Chew with Harpoon Brewery at Cavanaugh's: Photos

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Cavanaugh’s Rittenhouse runs a monthly “Brew and Chew,” where for $20 you can sample a selection of beers paired up with their great pub grub we all know and love.
We checked it out this past week where they featured UFO and Harpoon beers, and were really impressed with the offerings. The pairings are done as a pint with each course, and a tasting plate with each. Ultimately the beer-to-food ratio is a little heavier on the libation side, so you may want to order some of Cavanaugh’s awesome wings while you’re at it.
First course was the Harpoon IPA paired with a spicy chicken tortilla soup. The soup was delicious, chock full o’ red onion, avocado, and tortilla strips. It wasn’t too salty, and the heat was actually a great compliment to the hoppiness of the Harpoon IPA. If this were any indicator of how the rest of the courses would go, we were in for a treat.
The 2nd course saw the UFO White paired with something I thought I had dreamed of – fried balls of mac ‘n cheese, packed with crabmeat. It was served with both a creamy sauce and a marinara, which worked nicely with the sweetness of the UFO. Paired together, it accented the full-bodied finish in the beer.
BBQ Sliders followed, paired with the seasonal Harpoon Celtic Ale. This is a red ale with just enough hop and malty deliciousness. The sliders were sweet and tangy, served with a pickle slice speared through the top.
Lastly was a dessert of spiced bread pudding, served with a dollop of whipped cream and Harpoon’s Belgian Pale Ale. Spiced beer, spiced cake, wonderful ending to a wonderful meal.
For $20, this is definitely worth checking out at least once. You’ll get some great craft beer (lots of it) and a sampling of some of the awesome food Cavanaugh’s Rittenhouse has to offer.
Check them out next month when they have Long Trail Brewing.