First Friday: April 1: Benefit for Japan Earthquake Relief
This April's First Friday we have decided to raise money for victims of the earthquakes in Japan. We are looking for artists to donate art and we're going to have guests make silent bids. All money collected will go to the Japanese Red Cross Society. Please contact us if you are an artist that is willing to donate some art.
This month, come enjoy free beverage tastings by Magic Hat Brewing Company and food tastings from Q BBQ Tequila, and check out some great local art and live music! ABSOLUTELY NO COVER CHARGE. (Valid ID is required, only 21+ will be admitted.)
Featured Artists so far (if you're an interested artist contact us):
Britt Miller
Tom Gabor
Megan Coonelly
Brad Hosbach
Matthew Reid
Chris Clark
Rich Hundley
Neil LeBude
Already a First Friday-addict? Perfect! Stop by and say hi! Never tried it before?? Here's the deal: On the first Friday of every month the art galleries and a few other venues in Old City open their doors and welcome you to eat, drink and enjoy the galleries FOR FREE!
Drink Philly will also be on the look out for artists to feature in future months as well! Are you an art student? What a great way to showcase your talent! Come by, check it out--it's gonna be the hottest spot for First Fridays!
Did we mention FREE beer, FREE food, FREE art showing, FREE music!!!! What could you possibly be doing that night that could be better and more affordable?