Philadelphia Science Festival: Pub Events

The Philadelphia Science Festival is happening from April 15th through the 28th, and there’s a ton of restaurants and bars who’re participating.
Listed below are all the awesome pub events going down!
April 15th
Slam After-Party: Science Festival Beer Tapping
Where: Kite & Key Restaurant, 1836 Callowhill St.
When: 9pm
Be among the first to taste Yards special craft Science Festival Beer!
Monday, April 18
“Flavor Tripping”: The Magical Miracle Berry
Where: Continental Restaurant, 138 Market St.
When: 6:00 PM
One little red berry can change everything. Pop one of these miracle fruits into your mouth and lemons become sweet! ($)
Science on Tap presents: Science Quizzo
Where: National Mechanics, 22 S. 3rd St.
When: 6:00 PM
Test your knowledge of scientific trivia at this two-hour Quizzo spectacular!
Drinking and Thinking: An Introduction to Biomedical Ethics
Where: South Philly Tap Room, 1509 Mifflin St.
When: 7:00PM
Discuss what has shaped the way we think about life, death, and our use of biomedical technology.
Tuesday, April 19
An Electronic Nose
Where: The Bards, 2013 Walnut St.
When: 6:30pm
Find out haw nanotechnology can be used to simulate the smell receptors of the nose!
What Can Fuel Cells do for You?
Where: Dark Horse Pub, 421 S. 2nd St.
When: 6:30pm
Join this discussion about fuel cells and why this technology may be crucial to helping us rid our dependency on fossil fuel.
Human Experimentation
Where: Tavern 17, 220 S. 17th St.
When: 7:00pm
Breakthroughs in medicine are only possible if human beings are the test subjects in medical experiments —explore the ethical implications of these practices.
Wednesday, April 20
The Artisanal Microbe: Cheese
Where: Di Bruno Brothers, 1730 Chestnut St.
When: 6:30pm
Try local cheeses while enjoying a discussion on the role microbes play in making cheeses.
Thursday, April 21
Philadelphia Nerd Nite
Where: Marbar, 200 S. 40th St.
When: 7:30pm
Nerds and non-nerds alike gather to meet, drink and learn something new. ($)
Friday, April 22
Melting Moments of Delight: The Science of Chocolate
Where/When: See for details.
Experience how seeds are converted into delicious chocolate while you savor free samples with cocoa scientists and taste experts.
In the Mouth of a Lion: The Sensory World of Animals
Where: Rembrandt’s, 741 N. 23rd St.
When: 6:00pm
Alter your taste buds to see why cats dislike candy and love things we find vile during this exciting, experimental discussion.
Saturday, April 23
From Hops to Stein: The Science of Beer
Where: Yards Brewery, 901 N. Delaware Ave.
When: 7:00pm
Discover the magic behind brewing and the ways in which our taste buds and noses (yes, noses) process these sudsy delights. Click here for tickets!
Monday, April 25
Café Scientifique presents: Fading Senses
Where: Bella Cena, 1506 Spruce St.
When: 6:00 PM
Discuss how age-related changes in our sense of smell are related to everything from nutrition to Alzheimer’s Disease.*
Do You Know What’s in Your Genes?
Where: Continental Restaurant, 138 Market St.
When: 6:00pm
Discuss how “personalized medicine” has the potential to revolutionize the current practice of medicine.
Tuesday, April 26
Lunch for Hungry Minds: Brain Tumors in Children
Where: University City Science Center, 3711 Market St, Suite 800
When: 11:30am
Join this discussion on the steps needed to combat brain tumors in children.*
A Luminary-Infused Quizzo
Where: City Tap House, 3925 Chestnut St.
When: Call for time.
Join some of the most brilliant scientific luminaries on the planet as they take to the intense battle grounds of pub quiz.
Wednesday, April 27
Stem Cell Breakthroughs
Where: Midatlantic Restaurant and Tap Room, 3711 Market St.
When: 5:30pm
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the latest stem cell technology, which creates stem cells from skin cells.
All Things Fermented: The Science of Beer and Cheese
Where: Triumph Brewing Co., 117 Chestnut St.
When: 6:30pm
During this entertaining 2-hour tasting adventure, City Food Tours will reveal the role of fermentation in craft beers and gourmet cheeses. Advance tickets required. ($)*
*Venue will not carry Yards Science-Festival Beer.
While these events are totally awesome, they are not the only ones! Check out for more information.