The Royal Wedding: How Will You Celebrate?

As the hour of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding draws near, it would appear that England and rest of the world are preparing for celebrations of a royal magnitude. And as the rest of the world knows through old Monty Python sketches and the film King Ralph, if there is one thing the redcoats take seriously, it’s the royal family.
In preparation, the English government has declared Friday, April 29th a national holiday, allowing drinking establishments in certain boroughs a temporary extension of hours so they may serve booze later than previously permitted.
In America, the owner of Wisconsin bar Three Lions Pub plans on opening his doors at 4am. Early enough so patrons can watch the wedding live at a Westminster Abbey in London which is a few hours ahead. They plan on serving crumpets and tea until 6am, when they can legally offer alcohol.
Brewers of the worlds most potent beer, Scotland based BrewDog, cooked up a special batch specifically for the prince’s wedding night. The “Royal Virility Performance” contains “herbal Viagra, chocolate, goat weed and a healthy dose of sarcasm”. Three is said to be enough to get the ‘job’ done.
Even Coors is jumping in, corroborating with U.K. brewery Maxim for wedding a themed beer donned, “Royal Toast”.
But what of the actual celebration? A wedding fit for a playboy prince certainly totes a reception for the ages in it‘s wake. Where the beer flows like the River Thames and even the statuesque palace guards let loose and throw back a pint or two.
In an attempt to keep the event as classy and regal as possible, wedding planners have banned beer, and will only be serving an un-named wine and champagne at the reception. Inside sources to multiple U.K. newspapers state that beer is not an appropriate drink for such an event, or in the presence of the queen.
Wait, what? Not appropriate? I personally can’t think of a more appropriate venue to imbibe our favorite beverage. Free beer is 50% of the reason people even go to weddings. The other half being made up of free hors d’oeuvres to eat with the free beer, watching people after drinking the free beer, flirting with bridesmaids and drunk best man speeches.
There is hope yet, and just like a true Best Man should, Prince Harry took it in to his hands to throw the after party of after parties, dispensing of formalities and turning Buckingham palace into what the reception should be: a celebration worthy of royalty.
There are a few places doing specials related to the Royal Wedding!
Irish Pol
Pink Down Happy Hour (A celebration that the wedding is over.)
Time: 5pm-8pm
Enjoy $3 Storm King Stouts, $2 shots of Crown Royal, $1 Hot Dogs, and a "Royal" playlist.
McGillin's Olde Ale House
The Will & Kate Special
Time: 11am-5pm
McGillin's will be serving the "Will & Kate Special" - sweet sausage baked in puffed pastry, served over baked beans with a side of English "chips." Philadelphia’s Oldest tavern will also "quench your royal thirst" with Pimms Cups & pints of its McGillin's Ale!
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