5/1: Sly Fox Bock Fest and Goat Race

It may sound like a truly bizarre tradition, but Sly Fox Phoenixville will host its 2011 Bock Fest and Goat Race today, May 1st, from 11am to 6pm.
Attendees will be treated to a special German menu, intended to complement "what might be the largest offering of bock-style beers by any brewery in the United States at one time."
On the line-up are the Slacker Bock, Helles Bock, Instigator Doppelbock, two Eisbocks (usually Slacker and Instigator) and a Maibock. The day marks the release of the Maibock which is tapped immediately after the race and named in honor of the winner of the goat race. The festival itself will take place in front of the pub, which a huge tent providing shade. The running of the goats will take place at 2pm sharp, after which guests can meet the owners (and in some cases, the goats).
It is the opinion of Drink Philly that there is no finer way to spend a lovely spring Sunday than watch a goat race, enjoy some German food, and some lovely Bocks from a great craft brewery.
For full details, check their main event page here!
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