6/30: General George's Beer Garden

The National Constitution Center is presenting their summer’s newest exhibition, “Discover the Real George Washington: New Views from Mount Vernon” on July 1st.
The exhibition will also feature a pretty awesome one-day beer garden, taking place on Thursday, June 30th from 5-8pm. $20 admission will get you preview access to the exhibit, plus Yards Brewing Company’s Ales of the Revolution (including ol’ George’s Tavern Porter), Jack Daniels cocktails and Colonial-inspired food.
General George’s Beer Garden will be a one-day event, and it sounds like an absolute blast.
For more ticket information, please click here.
For more information on the exhibit, please visit the National Constitution Center’s site here.
General George’s Beer Garden
Where: National Constitution Center, 525 Arch Street
When: Thursday, June 30, 5-8 p.m.
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