7/12: Yards Beer Dinner at Kennett featuring Culton Organics

On July 12th, Kennett Restaurant will be featuring a four course beer dinner using a variety of great brews from Yards Brewing Company and organic foods sources from Culton Organics.
This will be a truly farm-to-table experience, featuring “home grown herds.” The full menu has not been posted, but Kennett hints that they’ll be serving buffalo raised on Yards Brewing Company's spent grain, a popular (and smart) trend that more and more breweries are grabbing a firm hold of. We heard rumblings of lamb as well!
What’s truly exciting about this dinner is that Executive Chef Brian Ricci has brewed four specialty beers with Yards Brewing Company based on ingredients featured from Tom Culton of Culton Organics.
Tickets are priced at $65 apiece. Reservations must be made to attend this awesome evening of unique beer and farm-raised food.
Call Kennett Restaurant at 267-687-1426 to make your reservations!
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