Weekend Picks: 7/14 through 7/17

Thursday, July 14th
University City Dining Days
From July 14th until the 28th, University City will be holding “Dining Days.” Similar to Restaurant Week, some of West Philadelphia’s best restaurants will offer three differently priced three-course meals, providing a chance for nearly any budget to enjoy their wonderful fare.
The three prices will be $15, $25, $30 and cover a huge portion of West Philly ranging from Biba at 31st and Walnut to Dock Street up on 50th and Baltimore. Other restaurants involved in the two-week deal include Rx; Vietnam, New Delhi, Marigold, White dog Café and Distrito.
Check out http://www.universitycity.org/dining days or our article here for more information.
Bastille Day
Thursday also marks France’s Independence Day. Visit here for some great specials!
Friday, July 15th
Dogfish Head Tap Takeover
What: 8 hard to find dogfish head beers on tap, including 2 regulars
Where: The Grey Lodge Pub, 6235 Frankford Ave (NE Philly)
When: Friday, July 15th 6-10pm
Grey Lodge is featuring a tap takeover from Dogfish Head. Beers on tap will be: Burton Baton, Festina Peche, Midas Touch, Red & White, Robert Johnson Hellhound, Palo Santo, Sah’tea, Theobroma, Worldwide Stout and 60 minute IPA. For more information, check our article here!
Saturday, July 16th
Kick the Cure for Cancer
What: 2 hour open bar cancer fundraiser
Where: O’Neals Pub, 611 S 3rd St.
When: July 16th, 8-10pm
$10 at the door gets you draft beer and appetizers from 8-10pm. Upstairs bar opens at 6:30 and all proceeds to go team registration for Kick For Cancer, a kickball tournament aimed at raising money to donate to cancer research.
Troeg’s Tap Takeover & Buffalo Wings
What: Troeg’s beer on tap with special wing recipes on the menu
Where: The Institute, 549 N. 12th St.
When: Saturday, July 16th 12-8pm
All day Saturday, Troeg’s will be serving up delicious Troegs beer to wash down specialty wings.
Sunday, July 17th
Support the Troops
Every Sunday at Paddy Whacks’ Comly Road location, you can support the United States armed forces by having a Miller High Life (or three).
Each week a member of our military will guest bartend in the back bar. Donating all his tips to the Wounded Warrior’s Fund. $.10 of each bottle sold (witch collection of bottle cap) will also be donated back to the troops. High Life’s are $2.50 each from 8pm-2am.
Paddy Whacks is located on 2711 Comly Road, just NE of Philadelphia, about 15 minutes off of I-95.
For directions click here.