8/18: Always Sunny Gathering of the Green Men Party

Tonight, WMMR is hosting an It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia “Gathering of the Green Men” and Viewing Party with several folks from the Preston & Steve Show.
Just show up at the Piazza at Schmidt’s at 7pm, where they’ll be running fan favorite episodes of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, From 8-10pm, there will be Coors Light specials at King’s Oak.
Wear green (or your green man suit) and a get a free It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Paddy’s Pub t-shirt while supplies last. While you’re there, you can also register to win tickets to the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 7 Premiere Viewing Party on September 8th at the Trocadero, hosted by Preson & Steve.
Head down there tonight, and meet up with CaseyBoy, Kathy, Nick & Marisa from Preson & Steve, watch some Always Sunny, and win some cool stuff. There are worse ways to spend a Thursday!
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