Meet the Drink Philly Flugtag Team: Greg Lehman
Meet the Drink Philly Flugtag team. Each week, we'll be profiling a different member of our team so you can get to know them and cheer them on. Or just buy them a beer.
Name: Greg Lehman
Flugtag Title: The Beer
Bio: Greg is a beer rep for the local Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown, PA. He currently lives in Conshohocken. Known to many on Twitter and friends as "Sven," Greg was the winner of our contest to become the fifth member of the Drink Philly Team, which he won by bribing us with lots of delicious beer and wowing us with his mezmorizing glow (which turned out to be just his very pale skin).
Height: 6'6''
Weight: 250 lbs.
How did you become involved in this year's Redbull Flugtag?
I was chosen by Drink Philly for my uncanny ability to provide great beer and be tall at the same time.
How did you feel when you found out you were going to be competing in this year's competition?
FOCUSED. Followed by thirsty.
Flugtag is pretty crazy. What is the craziest thing you've ever done up until this point?
Quit my old job, took a leap of faith and decided to persue a career in craft beer.
How do you feel the Drink Philly team is going to do?
We are going to launch a Hindinfirkin further than anyone ever has into the Delaware River, that I guarantee.
Are you nervous about jumping off a thirty foot high pier into the Delaware River?
I'm more nervous about accidentally ingesting some of the Delaware.
If you had to choose one, what would be your favorite beer?
Depends on a lot of factors, but right now, Victory Headwaters Pale Ale.
Fun Facts:
I have a 12-inch titanium rod in my leg, it's much stronger than the metal brackets holding our wood frame together which Adam's life depends on.
I hate cotton balls. I'd rather have a gun in my face than be forced to pull apart cotton. Its a terrible affliction.
I might be the only person to own both Labyrinth and Willow on DVD (or at least admit it).
I overuse the 'thank you wave' while driving to make up for everyone that has forgotten about it. I've also replaced the middle finger with a sarcastic thumbs up. It works wonders.
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