Meet the Drink Philly Flugtag Team: Mike Studzienko

Meet the Drink Philly Flugtag team. Each week, we'll be profiling a different member of our team so you can get to know him and cheer him on. Or just buy him a beer.
Name: Mike Studzienko (aka Studzy)
Flugtag Title: The Engineer
Bio: Mike graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.S. in mechanical engineering, a certificate in nuclear engineering and an associate degree in both accounting and business. He works as a quality engineer in Sinking Spring, PA, commuting from his home in Allentown. His hobbies are reading, disc golf, biking and messing around on the internets. He also loves burritos. And beer.
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 210 lbs. (240 with full beard)
Tell us about the craft you designed:
I was given the idea and image of a Hindenfirkin by our benevolent leader, Adam. He told me that he wanted to make a blimp with a keg attached to the bottom of it. My main goal was to keep Adam alive. I promised his wife that he would return mostly unscathed, so I structured my design around stability and versatility. I started with a rigid skeleton and designed the blimp around that. The blimp is loosely attached and floating, to look more blimp-like, and with a strong skeleton, we have a lot more leeway for changes in design during the build out.
I also had to design the craft for sustainabile flight. I don't foresee the craft landing once it is launched, so I reached out to some friends in the Coast Guard and Air Force to help retreive Adam and the Hindenfirkin safely. I hope they aren't too much of a distraction.
How did you become involved in this year's Red Bull Flugtag?
Fellow team member, Grant, is friends with Adam, and I volunteered my services as engineer. I figured this isn't something you get a chance to do very often, so what the hell?
How did you feel when you found out you were going to be competing in this year's competition?
The reality hadn't sunk in yet, and I don't think it will until everyone on our team hits the water.
Flugtag is pretty crazy. What is the craziest thing you've ever done up until this point?
Aside from dumb stuff I've done drunk, I'd have to say it would be rock climbing without a harness, barefoot, with a broken toe.
How do you feel the Drink Philly team is going to do?
I think air control might need to clear the Newark runway...
Are you nervous about jumping off a thirty foot high pier into the Delaware River?
If you had to choose one, what would be your favorite beer?
I generally like my beers dark and sweet. My favorite beer to date is Southern Tier Creme Brulee. It's gonna be incredibly hard to top.
Fun Fact:
I was a gymnast until I was 12 years old.
In college, I was president of a soccer club, member of a rugby team, and played scrabble professionally for a bit.
I am a Swine Flu survivor.
At 5'4", I am the tallest person in my family.
Protracters are one of my favorite things to play with.