Drink Philly Presents Phestiv-Ale: Recap (PHOTOS)

Thank you, Philadelphia beer drinkers! Due to your hard work sipping, pouring, beer tossing, tricycling, photo booth posing and drinking some more, Phestive-Ale was a big success.
Last Saturday, September 7, we packed the Sheet Metal Workers Hall on Columbus Boulevard with dozens of breweries serving more than 50 different beers for the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundtation’s first-ever beerfest. For this worthy cause, people of all kinds bought tickets and got to enjoy four hours of beery fun.
Thanks again to everyone who provided beer, poured beer, helped set up and clean up and everything else. Check out all the photos from the event below, and some bonus photos from our friends, too. This is what helping a good cause should look like.
Snag these photos at our Flickr over here.
More photos by our friends here:
Photos by Stephen Lyford @lyford: here
Photos by PHL17: here
Photos from Photobot3000: here
Photos from Geekadelphia: here
Tags: Photos & Videos