Where to Watch: Philadelphia Bars Showing the Presidential Debates

President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will meet in three televised debates this year, each beginning at 9 PM: October 3, October 16 and October 22. In between, Vice President Joe Biden will spar with counterpart Paul Ryan on October 11. While these conversations might shed light on what’s in store for America, there’s no reason to face that future empty handed. Below are several bars throughout Philadelphia where you can contemplate our government, and the U.S. political process in general, with a brew or cocktail in hand. Know of another bar showing the debates? Let us know in the comments.
Alla Spina: Showing debates with sound on.
Belgian Cafe: Showing debates with sound on.
Bierstube: Showing debates with sound on.
Devil’s Alley: Showing debates upstairs with sound on; Oct 3: $3 lager drafts; Oct 11: $5 mojitos; Oct 16: $3 craft bottles; Oct 22: $5 margaritas.
Doobie's: Showing debates with sound on; $3 Kenzinger pints.
Good Dog Bar: Showing debates with sound on.
The Industry: Showing debates with closed captioning.
McGillin’s Olde Ale House: Showing debates with closed captioning; $3 McGillin’s Lagers.
Percy Street Barbecue: 10% off all take out orders during the debates.
Standard Tap: Showing debates on the second floor with sound on.
Triumph Brewing Company: Showing debates with sound on.
Event Date: 10/03,10/11,10/16,10/22
Event Time: 9 PM
Location: Various Bars
Price: PAYG