Movember Celebrations: Gala Parte at Frankford Hall, MoBash at Lucky's Last Chance, November 29

If you’re seeing a lot more facial hair than usual around town, there’s a reason: Movember. The annual charity drive asks men to grow moustaches for the entire month of November to draw attention to and raise money for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer. To close out the fundraising drive, a couple of parties are set for Thursday, November 29.
At Frankford Hall in Fishtown, it’s a Movember Gala Parte, held from 6 PM–1 AM with food and drink specials all night long. In addition to the deals on eats and sips, there will be prizes awarded to “Mo Bros” in categories of Longest Mo, Bushiest Mo, Most Creative Mo, Lamest Mo and Man of Movember. Prizes include perks like a free professional shave, a dinner for two and a party for the winner and friends at Frankford Hall. So fluff that fringe and bring your best moustache or mo-touting friend out to the Stephen Starr beer garden on Thursday.
Over in Manayunk, Lucky’s Last Chance is holding a MoBash from 9 PM–midnight. A recommended door donation of $15 will go to the Movember nonprofit, as will proceeds from every Great Lakes and Weyerbacher beer and Jack Daniels drink sold. Valor Men’s Grooming will be on site to clean up your shave, and art by Martin Maaskant will be showing, along with other interesting items from other area organizations.
To all the Mo Bros out there, cheers!
Event Date: 11/29
Event Time: Various Times
Location: Frankford Hall, Lucky's Last Chance
Price: PAYG