More Hangover Cures

If you've had a drink or two, chances are good you have at some point dealt with the aftermath in the morning.
The dreaded hangover has been a topic of discussion for drinkers throughout history, and dozens of "cures" have been devised. While the best hangover cure is to simply drink in moderation, here's a list of other options to try if you've found yourself afflicted.
The Prairie Oyster Cocktail
One of the oldest "cures" with a murky history. The ingredients for this gem call for:
1 raw egg
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 dashes of Tabasco sauce
Crack the egg into a glass, leaving the yolk unbroken. Douse it with Worcestershire sauce, a sprinkling of salt and pepper, and Tabasco sauce. Shoot it and let your body be both disgusted and confused.
The Full English Breakfast
This one may hold some scientific credibility, as the high protein and fat content are thought to help your body restore its functions. For those not familiar, a Full English Breakfast is usually regarded as a breakfast over several courses, including fruit, an assortment of vegetables, and plenty of protein. Hopefully, mostly bacon.
The Bacon Sandwich
Yes, it sounds too good to be true, but bacon is very high in amino acids. Bread is also rich in carbohydrates, and when the two of these shakes hands they form a hangover-fighting superduo. You can read a little more about it here.
Corpse Reviver, and Corpse Reviver No. 2
Fresh out of the Savoy Cocktail Book (read about it here), the idea here is to fight the alcohol-induced hangover pain with more alcohol. This action is often referred to as taking some of the hair of the dog, dating back to the idea of treating rabid dog bites by placing the hair of the dog that bit you on the wound.
Corpse Revivers are more pleasant than that, we promise.
From the Savoy Cocktail Book:
Corpse Reviver
1/4 Italian Vermouth (we recommend Carpano)
1/4 Apple Brandy or Calvados
1/3 Brandy
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. To be taken whenever steam or energy are needed.
Corpse Reviver No. 2
1 part Lemon Juice
1 part Lillet
1 part Cointreau
1 part Dry Gin
1 Dash Absinthe
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Four of these taken in swift succession will unrevive the corpse again.
Again, none of these remedies should ever, ever replace drinking in moderation. Still, it's nice to know that emergency solutions exist!
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