Historical Drinking: Classic Cocktails of The South & Where to Find Them in Philadelphia

American cocktail history goes back more than 200 years, and as with most intoxicating things, people feared the effects that it would have on youths. Plus, it didn't help that cocktails were mostly consumed in the morning hours by gents of ill repute and some daring ladies. It took some time for cocktails to gain popularity, but here we are in the middle of a resurgence of interest in some forgotten and classic drinks.
Historically, New Orleans was a major seaport, making it a very well supplied town compared to other cities in the South. So it’s no wonder that many of the South’s greatest, classic cocktails originated in The Big Easy. Here, we’ll take you through a few of the most renown cocktails of the South, and we’ve even included a few recipes for you to try out.
Photo by The Drink Nation

Tags: Bourbon, Cocktails, Rum, Spirits, Whiskey