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The Republican Primary Debate Drinking Game

Politics is fun!
by Bruce of Brews on Sep 21, 2011 in Culture
The Republican Primary Debate Drinking Game
For the less politically savvy (and even for those with their finger firmly on the pulse of the nation), sitting through an entire debate can be an arduous task. Whether your goal is to decide who you’re going to vote for, discover new fodder for jokes, or just sound more worldly chatting over cocktails with friends, we’ve got a way to make the process more fun. We proudly present the 2012 Republican Primary Debate Drinking Game (RPDDG).


1) Drink every time a speaker uses the catch phrase “at the end of the day”. For some reason a politician's day always ends with unresolved problems and horrible scenarios. Drink to their misfortune.

2) Drink every time “Obamacare” is mentioned; but not more than one - you probably can’t afford it if you get sick.

3) Take a big swing whenever a candidate shakes their head and looks down in disapproval. They'd probably give you the same reaction if they could see you.

4) Take a drink in solidarity each time a speaker ignores the buzzer and continues to talk overtime. Being over-extended is something many of us have in common with the government.

5) Every time a candidate raises their hand to quiet a fellow debator, take a drink and smack your TV with a high-five. Their bad.

6) Pour out a bit before drinking when a speaker invokes “our ancestors." Our forebearers aren't going to pay for carpet-cleaning, but they can't come back to scold us, either.

7) Embrace America's success (and excess) by drinking five times when a candidate describes the United States as “the greatest country in the world.”

8) Presidential candidates’ humor is about as dry as America’s bank accounts; drink every time a moderator or debater makes a joke that falls flat.

9) Steal a sip from the person to both your right and left every time the phrase “Ponzi scheme” is used. Tell them you’ll pay them back later.

10) Shout out "Freedom isn't free!" and down whatever's left in your glass every time a speaker refers to “the American way.”

You are now armed with all the tools you need to become an expert on politics – or at least a little bit tipsy. The next debate will air Thursday, September 22 at 9 PM ET, and there are nine more after that. A full schedule is available online here.
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