Host the Awesome Drink Philly Crew on Christmas Eve and We'll Give You a Rave Review!
From: Drink Philly <info@drinkphilly. com>
Date: December 12, 2013 at 10:17:32 AM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Host the Awesome Drink Philly Crew on Christmas Eve!
Good Afternoon!!!
Every Christmas Eve the team behind Drink Philly enjoys a splendid night out, carousing and consuming copious amounts of alcohol. What, it’s the holidays!
Inspired by the amazing opportunity put forth by another local e-magazine publisher to exchange favorable coverage for dinner out Christmas Eve, that even made it onto Gawker, we’ve come up with our own exciting opportunity for you to be the bar that hosts us for our annual yuletide bender!
The host bar will receive approximately $1,000 in coverage from Drink Philly, and no doubt a huge dent in its booze inventory:
1) 2 Facebook posts on Drink Philly’s Facebook page promoting the respective bar as the bar of choice for Drink Philly’s crew for Christmas Eve
2) 5 instagram photos that will most likely depict our drunken, debaucherous antics during the drinking experience. Of course our trusty interns will make full use of Instagram's crappy filters to make you and your establishment look more presentable.
3) 2 Drink Philly newsletter ads in Jan and Feb 2014 (reaches over 2 unique individuals)
4) listed in our Christmas Eve drinking guide to be published… er, hopefully before Christmas Eve on Drink Philly
5) Polite conversation followed by an incalculable amount of slurred cussing, loud and arguably vulgar insults, a fist fight, tone-deaf, sacrilegious and totally inappropriate caroling, napkins lit on fire, and at some point, a fit of drunken sobbing from at least one of us.
We are asking for the following in turn:
Continuous flow of free drinks — preferably top shelf — for the 5 of us, plus our spouses, significant others and a couple of stragglers that some of us are currently hooking-up with. Some food would be nice too, but not necessary as long as the complimentary booze keeps coming. We can always call for some take-out Chinese food. Of course you will cover that too.
If not too inebriated to remember, we will tip according to the value to the server, while gently smacking their behind.
This is a VERY innovative and effective way to promote your bar on this very competitive evening and reach TENS of local drinking enthusiasts through Drink Philly channels.
Please note this is first come, first serve. Unless, you know, your bar has a stash of Pappy or something comparable.
We are excited to hear from you!
Be THE top bar we recommend this Christmas Eve to our HUGE audience!!!!
Your friend,
Drink Philly
Note: If you don't get the joke, be sure to read this.
Tags: Beer, Cocktails, Food, Holiday, Music, Parties, Spirits, Wine