Recap: Drink Philly's First Mad Hatter Whiskey Tea Party at the Magic Gardens

A huge thanks goes out to Bainbridge Street Barrel House, Cavanaugh’s Headhouse, The Little Bird Bakery, Grateful Plate, and Dump N’ Roll for providing our party with playful teatime goodies, and thanks, of course, to Manatawny Still Works, Chaddsford Winery, and Spirit Forward for filling our teacups with fanciful concoctions. We’d also like to extend a special thank you to Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens for being a gracious host.
If you missed out on our first tea party, never fear! We’ll be hosting another magical evening on October 21. Grab tickets and find more information about our next event right here.
In the meantime, click through the photos for a glimpse down the rabbit hole.
Photos by Stephen Lyford

Tags: Cocktails, Drink Philly Signature Events, Food, Parties, Photos & Videos